About the playIn this version of the classic Mark Twain story, the Yankee is a young engineer just out of college and anxious to try his hand at every kind of mechanical device. Knocked out by one of his own experiments, he awakens in the Court of King Arthur. From then, the striking contrast between the old and the new develops into a series of ludicrous events. Television, radio, aviation, football and even the corner drugstore will find their way into the kingdom of Arthur through the influences of the enterprising engineer - who eventually finds himself in hot water.
Rehearsal ScheduleFriday, December 6:
Performance InfoFall Play: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
JMPS Theater Presents: The cast and crew has been hard at work to bring this hilarious rendition of Mark Twain’s classic to life. So, mark your calendars and plan to be there! December 5 & 6 @ 7:00pm; $10/Adult, $5/Student. Participation Info |